Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 3 Marais district, Pablo Picasso, St. Paul

We began the day by taking the awesome Metro system to the 
Bastille monument near the Opera house.

Kids, look who I saw in Paris!!!  
It's Shaun the Sheep!!!  
Metro propaganda

The idea was to visit the catacombs of Paris- but this time and the other times we tried, the line was SO long.  I couldn't bring myself to stand in line for 2 hours when there is so much to see! next time...

Instead we decided to take a walking tour of the beautiful Marais district.

some real estate in the area...
a Mexican bar

La Place Royal park - stunning!
Jesse needs a selfie stick...

Victor Hugo lived at La Place Royal for a period of time.  
This is a view of the park from his apartment-poor guy.
the exterior of his apt

Pics from inside:

Next, we very quickly walked through part of the Carnavalet Museum.  
They house many items that have been salvaged from buildings that were torn down,
for example an original sign from the Chat Noir in Montmarte.
Great museum to visit again next time!

And now the Picasso Museum!
Housing the largest collection of Pablo Picasso's works.

 a few...

his is sideways-sorry
 Man Playing a Guitar




 the museum was wonderful! but extremely crowded...

Next it was on to the Center Pompidou- Modern and Contemporary Art 
The modern art wing was closed :(  


Mexican artists view plan for an underground museum at el Zocalo
the view from the museum's 6th floor

 We then strolled past the Hotel de Ville and the shopping next door.

Finally, we walked towards the St. Paul area for what turned out to be a very nice dinner, then back to the Bastille/ Opera Metro station.  

Seine River in the evening
and one of the many bridges over it

Shoppes in St. Paul

 these were meringues covered with chocolate.  
Have no idea what they are called, but the shop was very busy and these were SO GOOD!
wine and cheese for dinner
Chocolatiers preparing for Easter

Plaza de la Bastille

Opera National de Paris
 and the metro back to the hotel

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